
Someone once said that when we dream a dream together, it will become reality.

My friends, the Joomla humble bundle is reality. Let’s cheer our glasses and give a toast to the success of the first milestone: $10,000 has been raised for the Joomla!Community (within less 2 weeks).

First goal 10,000 USD for Joomla

Yesterday 3rd of January, I have transferred the money to Open Source Matters (OSM). I believe that OSM will use the fund for good purposes for the Joomla community.

I have agreed with the OSM board that as soon we reach the NEXT 10.000 USD we will transfer it to OSM. That means the next time the fund reaches 20.000 USD the Joomla community can be happy that OSM received another $10k. We will repeat this again and again until we reach our goal of $1M.

Special thanks to the great support and effort from our buddies: JomSocial, redComponent, StackIdeas and CloudAccess. Thanks to your all our generous Joomla lovers and fans. Together, we have made it this far and will steadily drive the $1M dream come true.

Stay excited, we have in our partner list about 8-10 bundles pending. Follow us on twitter, facebook and check the Joomla Humble Bundle main site site for the next upcoming bundles!

{jacomment} {jacomment off}

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