Joomla 3.2 stable release is finally here after its first public testing release since October 11th, 2013. Then, what's new in Joomla! 3.2?
We put those new features in a quick infographic, so you can share it with your friends to spread the news on Joomla 3.2. It's always something new for everyone!

10 new features of Joomla 3.2 that you would not want to miss
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<p>Joomla 3.2 - 10 new features - An infographic by the team at <a href="http://"></a></p>
Here are the break down on those features for you to dig in:
1. Content versioning
Joomla 3.2 will automatically save those changes in the history as a new version with the info on when, who and what changes have been made. Great news is now you can go back and modify on top of any version you like.

Content versioning - a new feature in Joomla 3.2
2. Joomla! App Store so called Joomla Extensions Finder (JEF)
Installing an extension is used to be somewhat of a pain? Keep calm and start searching for your favorite extensions, then install them straight off the admin panel.

Joomla Extensions Finder
3. A better JUX aiming toward accessibilities and usability
Provide better user-experience for both beginner and advanced users in admin panel thanks to a simpler, cleaner and amazingly faster. The unnecessary buttons, dropdown language, columns have been removed, groups to the more accessible columns/buttons.

Enhanced JUX
4. The renovated template system
Updated libraries for JQuery, Boostrap, etc. More icons on the icon lists and the complete improved template manager so you can code, override, add, delete files without FTP access and customize any file you want.

Improved template system
5. Access Control
It’s now available for modules. You can allow a user to edit straight from the front end for all or from the selected modules only. It’s your site, your call!

Get in control on Access control with Joomla 3.2
6. Joomla multilingual support
An automatic multi language site generator during the Joomla installation process.

Joomla 3.2 supports multilingual set-up
7. Rapid Application Framework
Joomla! RAD (Rapid Application Development) layer within the Joomla! CMS is included in the core for 3.x and as an installable addition for 2.5. It is used to significantly speed up 3rd party development within the CMS.

The new Rapid Application Framework
8. The security gets tough
Password format has been changed to BCRYPT and the two factors authentication for Joomla. he system will ship with two reference and fully functional plugins implementing TFA using Google Authenticator and YubiKey respectively.

Get your Joomla even more secured with Joomla 3.2
9. Debug
You can enable Debug mode and allow only Super user to see the info. The info include SQL Explain, profile and call stack.

Enable Debug mode
10. TinyMCE 4.0.5 Update
TinyMCE 4 has gone through quite a few code changes as well as an updated user interface. There's a dropdown menu which hides some of the more complex settings.

TinyMCE with a new user-interface
Should you upgrade to Joomla 3.2?
Hold your horses, mate! If you are running on Joomla 2.5, we seriously do not recommend you to do so. However, if you are already on Joomla 3.0 or 3.1, you definitely should give it a try regarding to all the "extras" Joomla 3.2 are shipping out with.
Still in doubts? We have initiated this mindmap for Joomla 3.2 to give you a quick overview on the comparisons of Joomla 3.2 vs. Joomla 3.1 and Joomla 2.5. This is still in progress, and we are more than welcome you to contribute in this mindmap. We'll be updating this for not only Joomla 3.2 but the upcoming versions of Joomla! as well,, so come and join us!
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