
Products Updates

Joomla Products Updates & Version release info

32 Magento Themes have been updated for Magento community version over the last week. Along with the themes 6 Magento extensions have also been updated and released with the the themes.

32 Magento Themes updated for magento version

  • JM Mozanis, JM Epidio, JM Enis, JM Adamite, JM Anion, JM Bistro, JM Asenti, JM Galaxite, JM Irisite, JM Rasite, JM Fabian, JM Purity, JM Odinis, JM Dicento, JM Tyrolite, JM Ores, JM Painite, JM Seleni, JM Sulfur, JM Topaz, JM Tube, JM Xiris, JM Celas, JM Fashira, JM Natris, JM Oganis, JM Norite, JM Larix, JM Scerif, JM Skates, JM Zite and JM Pixeri .Changelog and download links here

6 Magento extensions updated

  • JM Slideshow Version 1.1.1
  • JM RSS Module version 1.0.1
  • JM Product Module version 1.1.0
  • JM Categorylist Module version 1.1.3
  • JM Product Spotlight Module version 1.1.3
  • JM Poduct Slider Module version 2.0.0

Upgrade steps.

  • View the comparison between versions at JoomlArt Version Updates and replace the affected files, if you have not customized the affected files.
  • Any issue arising out of this update be discussed in respective theme / extension forum.