
Dear valued customers,

We are very sorry about the inconvenience you got with our server upgrade, some of our websites and services are interrupted or not available. Please check the details below:

joomla ja page builder server update

Upgrade new versions via JA Extension Manager

New versions of some products are not yet updated on our updates server, so upgrading new versions with our JA Extension Manager may not work properly. You can download the latest version in the member download and install the latest version on your website.

joomla server update

Download latest versions

JA Page Builder edit

The page editing should be working now. In case you get any issues, you can submit a support ticket in our helpdesk with your website details in the secured fields: website link and admin account.

ja page builder page edit

All your issues will be in priority and will be fixed as fast as possible.

Submit ticket now Guide to restore your pages with revisions

Some demos are not up yet

Most of our demo sites are working fine now. We are working to update all demo sites and it should be done pretty soon.

We are sorry about the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

Get support