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Hi guys,

We would like to announce the important update of JA Page Builder to keep your builder page data safe by storing all the data in your site database, instead of on JoomlArt Server.

JA joomla page builder update

A hard issue we have to deal with

We are sorry about the JA Page Builder issues recently and we deeply understand how serious the issue is, and how hard you have to deal with it. We highly appreciate your kind understanding and your patience.

The team put all resources to support and fix the issue by providing the site rebuild, and the team finished hundreds of site build.

We have been also working on the new version update to prevent such issues happen again. And today, the update is available for upgrade.

Important Update in version 1.1.9:

Keep your site safe by saving your builder page data in your own database

JA joomla page builder update

Yes, all the data, configuration, custom styles of your pages will be stored in your site's database. So in case, our server has any issue, your data is all safe.

Your build page data is stored in the table prefix_jabuilder_pages. Each builder page data includes 2 data types:

  • HTML mockup - stored in the content column
  • Builder data - stored in the data column

JA Page Builder page data stored in your database

JA joomla page builder data store

Page builder data stored in the data column

JA joomla page builder data format

Edit your page with editor:

After installing JA Page Builder version 1.1.9, you can access your page editor to edit your pages. In case your page is blank, kindly check the page revisions in Settings > Revisions

JA joomla page builder page editor

JA joomla page builder revisions

Upgrade instruction:

Download the latest version of the JA Page Builder package from this page:

Download JA Page Builder v1.1.9

JA joomla page builder installation

From your website back-end, go to: Extension > Manage > Install and install.

Get support

JA Page builder issues are in priority to get support. Kindly submit a support ticket in our forum

Get support