kouliga Please could you help me to add content-mass-top and contentslider positions??
1) Content-mass-top position :
You can kindly view the documentation excerpt for Module titled - JA Sidenews Module following which you can also see back-end settings for configuring the same. This will help in further course in configuring and setting up the specific module for respective position
2) Contentslider position :
Kindly find screenshot for the JA content slider configured for specific position as seen in demo site.
Documentation for configuring the same
Also, You can install quickstart package as this will give you replica of the demo site which you can customize and configure further accordingly for particular extensions, layouts e.t.c.
Another issue i have concerns the space between the mainmenu elements! i would want to reduce these space to get all the elements on the same line and get a with background color.
To avoid multiplicity of varied forum posts in one topic which eventually will lead to confusion, Please start new discussion for the relative topic