Hi there,

I have created Acymailing campains that starts when new students are added.
Now i have one course but when i have more courses i want to start the campain for a certain course after enroll.
Do you know what database table i need to trigger with acymailing that if users is added in that table give add them to this list with campain.
Love to here if this is known or if you want to help with the Query building.
Acymailing has an query possibility.

Thanks already for your help!

    stip90 Hi. Guru is just an extension to joomla, so all the informations about its users are stored in joomla's "users" table.


    You can not add users in multiple Acymailing campains, you can add all users, from all courses only on one single campaign.

    Kind Regards,

    Can you be more specific in what row/table the information about enrolled student will be added?

    I add users to multiple campains and it works great.
    I do not see why that is not possible.

    Per course i create a list with a campain.
    Now i do it on start purchase the product to start the campain.
    I would rather like start on enroll
    If they have 10 campains at one time that is no problem for Acymailing.

      You can find New students details in guru_customer table.


      Hi Pankaj,

      Is it right that i see the Students but can't see the courses they do?
      Where can i see that that user has enrolled a certain course?

      Found it :-)

      i can even trigger the course per modules :-)

      Ninja locked the discussion.


      If you want, you can see for each student what course finished or what is the last module and lesson opened, from this database table - "guru_viewed_lesson"

      Kind Regards,

      Ninja unlocked the discussion.

      That was exactly what i ment.
      The problem though is that i now say all modules are active at once.
      So if they watch the last one at day one a trigger to send a complete mail is not so good haha.
      But i will manage it right now. Thanks!

      Ninja locked the discussion.
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