Hi natichief

I looked at your website and the problem described is not affecting slideshow module only but it affects any change done on the website.

Most probably your website is hosted on a space cached with SUPERCACHER or cloudflare

You should disable these service active on your hosted space before .

I have contacted my web hosting regarding the issue, and was told that it doesn't run supercacher or cloudflare and the only caching is done thourgh Joomla.

Their only solution for me was to manually delete the cache, but even when I enter clear cache it's empty.

    natichief Having reviewed, The image appears fine for me for 1st slide as envisaged as configured through module parameters without clearing browser cache. Ref: Screenshot

      For me the older image still appears, since it's cached in my browser.

      Once in a while I will have to update the slides, and waiting hours, maybe days for it to update with a user's browser is not really a solution, I'm sure you will agree with me, and sadly I am only now finding out about this issue since in the documentation linked in the template, it's talking about the JA Slideshow, and not the JA Slideshow lite.

        natichief Perhaps, You may also check on other systems to see if it reflects fine then

        Sadly yes, trying to enter the site from a different PC that I did not use to log with since 2 weeks ago, still shows the images from 2 weeks ago.

        Is there some way I can manually force users to reload site cache making them reload the slider as well?


          I actually found another solution, that I honestly don't know why I didn't think of before:
          I just opened a folder named 'slideshow2', and changed the source folder, so it might be a the same name, but a new folder, so it forces the browser to reload the images.

          I do have another question:
          I don't know why, but I suddenly noticed the slider appears in the mobile version of the website, I found the layout editor for the regular site, but where can I change the mobile layout?

          Thank a lot,

            natichief Hi. Great to hear that You've figured that out. I was going to suggest a change of a slide name, but I guessed place it in meta tags will be quickier, but You found a quick solution as well.

            I think best would be to customize it in css Using construction like:

            @media only screen and (max-width:767px) {
            .iamaclass {
            font-size: 10px;

            767px is a width of a most of the phones in landscape view, so I would make it for those.

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