i'm one week later, and style not able to upload it...
my server support worked a lot on it...
heres the constatation:
I spent quite some time on this image upload issue. Image uploader giving the error is a part of Guru component.
It returns the error message we see
return array('error'=> 'Could not save uploaded file.' .
'The upload was cancelled, or server error encountered');
During upload it also works with the database. It is possible the database and Guru component are out of sync and we have such issue.
Visual editor does upload images without an issue as shown on attached screenshot. .
and they are true...i can upload images everywhere in my website except in guru...
i can upload in guru description with visual composer...
i also try to move this website on another hosting services...and there too i cant upload in guru...
so...can you look more at it, if it was only a tmp permission trouble...i will not be able to upload any images or install other component...