This helped a little, now we can see the field we created before applying the field.php fixes, and select it in the Event field list - but we still can't see the field in Field Management, even after Rebuilding twice and logging out then logging back in.
I ended up deleting the fields that weren't showing up (fortunately no data had been entered yet) in the database. In our case, through cPanel > phpMyAdmin > dtregister_fields.
Then I created a new field, let's call it newfield1. That shows up in the Field Management but NOT in the Event. I finally edited the field in the database and after I saved it and Rebuilt the Field List, it did appear in the Event. It is also conditional, and that part worked, but only after I set the field it is conditional on, then Saving the field and re-editing to select the option that it is conditional on.
I also tried duplicating that field to make a new one, newfield2 and it does not show up anywhere in the backend of the Joomla site, only in the database. I had to delete it and create a new field as described above.
Basically none of the new fields work completely without editing the database.
And we can't re-order the new fields. You can move one, and it looks okay at first, but after leaving that page and coming back, they are still sorted at the end. Even after Rebuilding.
With 136 fields, I'm not real excited about changing the Field Ordering in the database manually!
We appreciate your continued work on these issues.