Hi guys,

My client has provided me with a bunch of zip files that are for the JA Social tempate, however I cannot install as a component the largest file (it appears to be a copy of Joomla directories, I assume you would write over the server files with these) and if I install everything one by one then i just get a blank Joomla site that has none of the arrangement of your template demo.

How do I recreate your demo from a blank moodle installation, or do I need to install moodle using your package or something?


    nevilleh Hi Adam,

    Assuming that you are installing Quickstart package which will provide you with replica of the demo site, You may check out the documentation which outlines the steps to install Quickstart package

    Few necessary tips to follow in order to ensure seamless experience :

    1) Ensure that you also click on the "sample data" during installation process as also outlined here
    2) Installation is done on fresh directory with new database as it already contains all the prerequisite joomla core folders and files as it wont install on already running Joomla site.

    Hope this helps 🙂

    I think the problem here is that I wasnt provided the quickstart package, could you please link me directly to it 🙂

      nevilleh I think the problem here is that I wasnt provided the quickstart package, could you please link me directly to it 🙂


      If you are referring to the ja social demo with jomsocial then your membership doesn't allow to download the quickstart package, you have a DT Register membership and a Ja Pro membership wich allows to download only the ja social standard quickstart package as seen HERE and can be downloaded from HERE

      If you are referring to THIS

      Then you will need to subscribe also for a Jomsocial membership

      or do I need to install moodle using your package or something?

      We do not have Moodle we provide GURU

      Those links are for the JA Social II template, however my client wants the JA Social (original) template for Joomla 3.x

      Is there a quickstart for installing JA Social that I can download? It doesn't necessarily need to use any JomSocial framework stuff, just the sample data and module arrangements from the demo. Currently all I have is a zip file full of zip files to work with, whereas I think I need a full moodle installation with sample data, rolled into a installer package..

      EDIT: I will attempt to install from the quickstart file I downloaded and report back - thanks for your assistance gentlemen.

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