Preview of certficate doesn't work correctly
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You could not access the backend with submitted login, because it is the teacher's login (Registered). Should the teacher have access to the page from the backend?
Well, there is no teacher profile although it is, you have to see it from the backend yourself. I've edited the fields, now you have access. Login yourself, see in the teachers panel is the teacher profile, which has its course and students. You must log in & see yourself.
In that image, in the teacher "Students" page, you ca see the list of the students that bought the courses from that teacher.
That column "Stats" is for the quizzes of that specific student, you can see the student answers and some info for the relation of student-lessons.
I tried to log in admin, I can pass the htaccess but I tried to log with admin account and with teacher account but this doesn't work.
Kind Regards,
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Hi Alin,
I'm sorry, the admin profile was blocked, I forgot to unblock it. It is unblock now. Can you try logging in again and see for yourself what the issue is from the back-end please?
Please test again, I made some changes in Guru files and if this is ok, all these changes will be added in the next Guru version.
Kind Regards,
Point 1 from the first topic has been solved, the preview is working correctly, thanks.
But point 2 and 3, there is still something wrong with the teacher's panel, after logging in by front-end, there are no students or no certificates in his panel as here You have teacher's login and pass in the edit fields, pleace check.
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You can't log in but your friend @alindinca has logged in from the back-end. The access data in the edit fields are the same all the time. I can also log in using this data. Why you can't log in, I don't know. Maybe alindinca should try to help me.
I also suggested earlier that there is a problem because I have and see a teacher when I'm logged in from the back-end. In addition, there must be a teacher to create a course and yet I have a course that is sold. There is a problem, you can't see it because you have to log in but you can't, it's sad. Please try to login or let alindinca try to help me.
If you log as a Teacher and you go to this page - - you can see all your students, please make sure that you open a Teacher page, not a Student page. In student pages (My Orders, My Courses, My Quizzes...) you can see what the teacher can see (Students, Courses, Projects, Media...).
Please let me know if this is not your real issue.
Kind Regards,
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Hi @alindinca,
we're getting closer to solving the problem. Yes, it works, but only if I click on the link you provided or manually enter in the search engine, the teacher's panel that was missed, is actually appearing. I see it for the first time So it works, but only if you manually enter the link in the search engine. The problem is that when I log-in as a teacher from the frond-end, the panel looks different - like the student's panel, not teacher's, and there is no button anywhere to change it. Have you tried logging in as teacher from the frond-end? The panel looks different there. As pankaj wrote, it is missing the Teacher profile menu item on the side? So how to fix it? Can you check this?