Hi teitbite and Saguaros,
thank you for your effort and support.
Apparently it has ben improved, but it is just for the sidebar, but with many regressions, for what I found looking here and there.
At the same time when selecting AUSILI from the horizontal main-menu I should get immediately its SIDEBAR and AUSILI's Subcategories, instead I get SIDEBAR and the two main categories icons AUSILI and STANZEMULTISENSORIALI. When I select then AUSILI from the ICON in the main-body, I get what I was expecting with the first original selection.
Same happens with the other horizontal main-menu option STANZEMULTISENSORIALI, I get SIDEBAR and the two main categories icon AUSILI and STANZEMULTISENSORIALI. When I select then STANZEMULTISENSORIALI from the icon in main-body, I get what I was expecting with the first original selection of the horizontal STANZEMULTISENSORIALI.
What is worst is : if I want to select a product having no price, for example "PUNTAMENTO OCULARE" and "EASYeyes - dispositivo a puntamento oculare" I see it has been lost all the SKU and price details, instead I get a word ARRAY that I do not know where it comes from
Similarly if i go to select a product where the cost is present, I have something different from what I got before your intervention.
I attach two screenshots of the previous data
Last, in the home page, I have featured products, you see that they are not ordered, after the first row of 4 element in the second row I have three free position and only the last one is occupied, then the third row is again fully occupied..... so i would say there has been a regression. {for this same issue I asked for your support recently.. check discussion "products displays"}
I hope you have written down all the modifications you did, What I'd like is to recover the previous status and please explain me what you did, might be also with screen shots, so I can carefully read and understand what you did to get only the positive elements, without any regression, without any modification in important elements for my website.