Update PUBLISHER for todays needs and demands.

Please UPDATE Publisher... it's been a minute in comparison to ALL other products. It should have more features for sharing outside of joomla to other social platforms as the name mentions "PUBLISHER". It should have the power to control images when sharing to social media.

It should be the most powerful and most useful plugin for controlling Joomla data and articles and images... ijs

Last update was? .... SOOOO LONG AGO


#SaveIjoomlaPublish #SaveJoomlartPublisher

    Publisher is timely getting updates for the fixes, as there is no much demand for the new features this is why it limited for bug fix release, its no where mentioned product is not updated or Active . I think the subject should not match save an extension when its already active.

    About the request for the Sharing the articles on social media platform its already present, you can enable them via Publisher settings here http://prntscr.com/pv5tjt
    About Open graph tags for it , I will share your feedback too development team.
    I edited the Title of subject is its more a request feedback.

    Thanks for your understanding.

    Ninja changed the title to Feature/Request : Add Social media share content support for publisher items..


    I created a ticket for our development team and we will consider this for the next Publisher versions.

    Kind Regards,

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