Hello! Kindly help the inexperienced!
If this does not bother you, you can in more detail! Excuse me!
- The site layout is as follows:

  • Main page as in the original + additional menu item on the gallery category
  • In a standard way:
    Menus=>Main Menu=>New-Portfolio (Menu Item Type - Project Category), (Choose a Category - Gallery)
    Articles=>New=>Gallery-1 (Category - Gallery)
  • Nothing happens!
    -- Can you help me please?
    -- Thank!

    Hi artnightstyle

    The 'Project Category' is special layout that developed in JA Space template, JA Resume template doesn't support it by default. If you want to have this layout in JA Resume, you will need to customize com_content category layout to achieve that.



    If you're not familiar with code, I suggest you to hire a developer to get it done for you.

    Good luck!

    Namely, in this template, can I make an additional page (with JA Resume design) with a link from the main page menu(menu item is not an external URL)?

    The challenge is to create an additional page with a full gallery in the style of JA Resume

      Hi artnightstyle

      That gallery module on homepage is JA ACM module - Gallery : style-1. With your new menu item "Gallery", if you don't use any other component to show full gallery and still want to use this module, you can simply duplicate this module >> rename it and add all galleries >> but instead of assigning to homepage, you assign to the new "Gallery" menu only.


      To display the full gallery I will use Simple Image Gallery or SP Easy Image Gallery (I don’t know yet). I can’t create a new page with these components with a menu item on the main page.

      That is (you can step by step) in the main menu I need a menu item (gallery) with a transition to a new page with a full gallery.

      We do not understand each other!
      Each menu item has its own page (not a section in the main page)


      I don't get your point here.

      As I mentioned above, gallery module on homepage is JA ACM module - Gallery : style-1 , you need to add link to the page that you can view all galleries.

      And you can create the menu item of that page to show any content as you wish.

      I still can’t create a gallery page.
      Here are my (if interested) actions.
      - For the gallery, I use SP Easy Image Gallery, with its menu item.
      - I create albums in SP Easy Image Gallery
      - In the main menu, create the menu item (SP Easy Image Gallery) of the album list
      - A menu item has been created, but the transition from it to a blank page
      On this my impulses ceased
      Perhaps to create a separate gallery, need JA Joomla Page Builder or EasyBlog PRO, I don’t know

      • Whatever type of menu I assign (Category Blog, Category List, Create Article, Favorite Articles ...), with category and materials, To the main menu, clicking on it leads to a blank page
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