
I recently downloaded the JA Megafilter component. Everything works so far, thank you for that.

I use the component for the core function Joomla! Articles. I have built an address directory from Joomla! Articles, custom fields and overrides in [my template]/html/com_content/category and [my template]/html/com_content/article. For the category view, I use a 3-column layout that is based on bootstrap and tables. The tables are in a bootstrap grid and the output for each custom field comes in a separate table column (see screenshot/attachment).

I would now like to adapt the layout of the JA Megafilter results page to my own layout. Is there a way for JA Megafilter to change the fields selected in the component and similar to Joomla! spend individually?

I have already read the documentation at https://www.joomlart.com/documentation/joomla-component/ja-megafilter#override-layout, but I cannot find any information there.

Thank you for the answer in advance!


(sorry for the language, translated by Google)

Hi Chris,

It will require a bit heavy customization, let me check with our developer if it's possible to achieve that kind of layout.


For the layout file, you can edit this one: plugins\jamegafilter\content\layouts\default\product-item.php

and JA Megafilter uses Dust.js, you will need to customize it to achieve that.

If you're not familiar with code, I suggest you to hire a developer to get it done for you.


Hello saguaros,
thanks for Your response.

I had already found the file, but the fields are output there via {? .key} in an array. I can use Bootstrap to control the width of the columns, but I cannot use them to output the fields individually. In Joomla I use:

<? php echo $ this-> item-> arbitrary_property_name ['my-field-name'] -> value; ?>

I therefore have the fields output via field names. Another option would of course be to use the field ID, but in any case I lack the syntax.

Any ideas or suggestions?



    Bootstrap can be handled easily but the thing here is that you must work with DustJS as I mentioned above.

    Hello saguaros,

    I hadn't looked at the recommended file openly because I was looking for a solution in PHP. In the JA Megafilter directory there is also no "Dust.JS" but only a "dust-helpers.min.js" and a "dust-helpers.js". If I see things correctly, the latter file is responsible for the output, and if I interpret the code correctly, it calls certain functions and queries certain parameters, which are then output via an array.

      / **
      * {@size}
      * Write the size of the target to the chunk
      * Falsy values ​​and true have size 0
      * Numbers are returned as-is
      * Arrays and strings have size equal to their length
      * Objects have size equal to the number of keys they contain
      * Dust bodies are evaluated and the length of the string is returned
      * Functions are evaluated and the length of their return value is evaluated
      * @param key find the size of this value or reference
      * /
      "size": function (chunk, context, bodies, params) {
        var key = params.key,
            value, k;
        key = context.resolve (params.key);
        if (! key || key === true) {
          value = 0;
        } else if (dust.isArray (key)) {
          value = key.length;
        } else if (! isNaN (parseFloat (key)) && isFinite (key)) {
          value = key;
        } else if (typeof key === "object") {
          value = 0;
          for (k in key) {
            if (key.hasOwnProperty (k)) {
              value ++;
        } else {
          value = (key + '') .length;
        return chunk.write (value);
    for (var key in helpers) {
      dust.helpers [key] = helpers [key];
    return dust;

    So it should actually also be possible with JavaScript to directly control the individual fields and have them output individually.

    Of course, I don't expect you to rewrite the file to my liking, but maybe your developers could at least give me a hint as to what the syntax should look like in order to print a single field. Then I would try the rest to assemble myself. If my wish exceeds your capacities, it is not too tragic, I will also find another solution, but if you could help me something, I would be very grateful because I always use such tasks to help me little to learn.

    Good luck and thank you!


    Hi Chris,

    Let me forward to our developer if he can help on this.

    Hi saguaros,

    I appreciate the effort.
    Looking forward to..


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