Please note that there is an error in console with the font resourse requested by the template. Please indicate a fix...
Also I got this other template issue reported in console
The resource was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate as value and it is preloaded intentionally.

    Hi equilibriumx

    Which page can I see that error? I tried to check in several article page but no luck.

    Hello, @saguaros
    I solved it myself by adding a GET script in the head...
    Please take look at the social Icon issue in the other case, cause...

    1) is adding the total likes of the domain in the landing page, not the likes of the actual page you are in, as they were before
    2) there is an SDK error from facebook.connect in console
    3) Social icons are un aligned and dissorderly shown in mobile, and desktop


      Hi equilibriumx

      You can try with this custom css for the alignment:

      #gkSocialAPI .fb-like.fb_iframe_widget {
          margin-top: -8px !important;

      I tried to add it but it looks like there is cache settings on your server side.

      1) is adding the total likes of the domain in the landing page, not the likes of the actual page you are in, as they were before
      2) there is an SDK error from facebook.connect in console

      For the SDK, I guess it's issue from facebook and your server, you can make a test by creating a menu item using Protostar template - a standard template of Joomla >> add SDK to Protostar template and see how it goes, it will help to know whether the SDK you sent works or not.

      If you have contact with facebook developer support, pls ask them for that console error.


      Hello @saguaros. Certainly looks a little bit better in mobile, but they are still not aligned in both versions... the paddle from top is not the same. I created a case in Fcebook for the SDK issue, cause I know is an external issue.Let me know how to fix this last error

        Did you do something??? All the social media icons disappeared now...

        I have disabled cache and Jch optimize for you. Let me know when is done to enable them again. Thanks @saguaros

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