
Thank you for the new version. I have just viewed it in my test environment.

Unfortunately, it still does not work properly.

So neither the problem 1 with the line breaks is solved nor the images are saved locally (problem 2).

Do you have a changelog what should be changed / fixed?
Otherwise I would ask you to contact your developers again. If there is a new version I will test again with pleasure.

    alex85de Could you share the URL + Admin + FTP account of that test site? I will check for you.

      have just tried it again. Works without problems. can it be that you still had a blank after the username?

        alex85de I often copy the text into editor and copy from there to avoid that blank space but no luck. Is there geoblocking? I'm based in Vietnam.

          No I don´t use any geo blocking. I just updated the password to a new one. Make sure that you are using the username joomlart
          Please try again.
          sorry for the inconvenience!

            i think i found the issue. your are using the productiv installation starting with 2021. Please use the test installation, starting with test.
            -> different site URL


              I see but whenever I tried to access backend of the test site with test..../administrator , it always redirect to 2021.../administrator


                sorry it should work now. I have adjusted the .htaccess. It's also best to clear your cache briefly, to be on the safe side.

                  Hi alex85de

                  There seems still issue with the new API of Facebook, I've forwarded to our developer for further checking on this.

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