
On this page (and 7 others), there's a gallery displaying photos and videos.
It's impossible to have the entire gallery : when you scroll it makes like a jump and photos nore videos are cut at top or at bottom.
It's really annoying.

Do you know what can I do to fix that bug ?


    The gallery and video on this page not from the template, its a 3rd party gallery extension that show the image and video based on the height you have set. You can check the same with default Joomla template an it will be same.
    You have to use same width height for the image to make it same.


    OK Pankaj, I'll try something with the height.


      It seems there is confusion, do you refer the resize of the Header part on scroll?
      Its due to sticky behave and resize view of the header. When you scroll it resize and then stick at the top.

      4 days later

      Hi Pankaj,

      Perhaps it's linked but I'm talking about content displaying under top nav. When you scroll it can't be displayed entirely. When top nav is resizing, content below "jump" higher and then we can't see top part of content.
      And it's really annoying.

      Thanks to help me fix that jump.

        It will stick as the menu is sticky when you scroll down.
        This is normal if you want to add a transition you can add this code in custom.css

        .t3-mainnav.min-mainnav {
            transition: 500ms;

        I'm sorry Pankaj, but I've added this code on custom.css and there's still a jump.
        You'll see on screenshot 10 page before scrolling and screenshot 11 when scrolling to try to see map entirely.
        When top nav reduces itself, content below are push up under this top nav.
        It's really strange.


          It seems you missed to read my previous replies. The template us sticky navigation when you scroll down there is a point where it will stick to the top of the page so it always visible. At this point it has to be sticked this is not issue.
          The transition code i shared above will slow this so you will not feel it a jump.

          7 days later

          Please check the site you sent are not using same template. each template theme has different style used.
          Please do a test in demo of muzic template.
          Also if you notice you have topbar above the main navigation when the menu is sticky it has to go on the top without topbar, that is why it get fixed.

          9 days later

          Hi Pankaj,

          I' see in the Muzic demo template the same "bug".
          So is it possible to enable sticky menu ?


            Again, it seems you are not reading my replies. Please read it first. The menu is already sticky this is how it works in this template it's not a bug.
            If you do not want them menu to stick I can help you to remove this. As the sticky option work like this only. When you scroll down the page it will stick on the top.

            Hope it's clear now.

            6 days later

            Hi Pankaj,

            I've read your replies... sorry !
            It's the 1st time I see this kind of sticky menu behavior. I understand it's the way the template works.
            My previous answer was about disable and not enable sticky menu. Sorry for my dyslexic english !
            So yes please how could I disable it ?

            Thanks for your answer.

              To remove sticky
              Open template folder/js/script.js find and remove this code

              		// Add class for mainmenu when scroller
              		  var min = null,
              		  	sid = null,
              		  	mainnav = $('#t3-mainnav');
              		    $(window).scroll(function() {
              				if(min != $(window).scrollTop() > mainnav.outerHeight(true) *0.4){
              					min = !min;
              					min ? mainnav.addClass('affix') : mainnav.removeClass('min-mainnav');
              					//force reflow
              					min ? mainnav.addClass('min-mainnav') : mainnav.removeClass('affix');

              Around line 195 to 217

              7 days later

              Hi Pankaj,

              Thansk for the code, it works perfectly now without sticky nav.
              But the "scroll to top" button does'nt work anymore.
              I'm not a developer so I won't modify code but I can see "if(min != $(window).scrollTop()" in the code I've put on comments.
              Could you please provide me a code with scroll to top button working ?

              Thanks a lot

                Can you make a separate thread for further new questions/issue as this topic was or gallery and already moved to menu parts.
                It also help our community members.


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