if you can help me solve this problem i would be grateful because yesterday I spent a lot of time trying to solve it but failed.
The problem is the sticky menu on forum page (Menu ID 269). It doesn’t stay fixed when it is displayed on mobile phones, on tablets there is no problem it stays fixed, so the problem is only on mobile phones.
If I take a closer look at the DOM I noticed that “fixed” class is not added to html tag as well as “zen-nav-fixed” class which is not added to “#logowrap" tag. Also, I noticed that “#sticky-fill” tag keeps “hidden” class.
I tried to create a new template style for these same pages, but the problem remains.
Same behavior if I assign these pages to another template style where sticky menu works. I expected that the browser console gives me a javascript error, but no error is displayed ...
So apparently there is a problem with “Enable Stickynav” option which doesn’t seem to be applied for mobile phones even with the option enabled.
Here a short screencast to illustrate the problem: http://u.pc.cd/xKe7