Hello, a friend of mine is viewing the website on a Hp zbook 14u g5 computer on chrome and tells me there is a bug of alignment in the header... he tells me logo, menu, flag and right head are not aligned... I check with him to clean the history, cache... of the browser and retry but still the same, any idear?
Thanks a lot !

    Hi as I know this device is also 1920 x 1080 screen size and there is no issue found in this resolution. All the items are found is same row in Google Chrome. the browser work same I'm all Windows devices when using same version.
    Please share the issue screen shot and let me what is the screen size and Google Chrome version (latest).


      I tried with the emulation tool of chrome with mobile devices and there is issue on tablette like ipad, the menu doesn't follow when you scroll, also the logo is not aligned horizontaly on mobile with the english flag... Can you tell me how to fix this ? Thank You.

      Ninja Please share the issue screen shot and let me what is the screen size and Google Chrome version (latest).

      Please do not merge new topic issue in current. Make a new topic for each different topic.
      About the current issue can you provide me screen shot and also ask your friend for screen size of his laptop. As I have not found any issue for this type of device.


      The screenshot you shared is not from the PC/laptop that you mentioend . It is a mobile device.
      on PC there is no issue.
      For mobile part add this code in custom css

      @media (max-width: 767px){
      div.t3-wrapper {
          padding-top:  0px!important;

      Thank you ! but the logo is still not centered horizontaly with the rest and the header still diseaper when you scroll on tablet (iPad, surface...). Do you have an idear why ?

        Use this code

        .logo a {
            line-height: 3;

        For other new questions kindly open a separate thread as this topic is for different request and not found on site.


        Ninja locked the discussion.
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