Captcha is not shown on the links:
Forgot your password?
Forgot your username?
And if the user tries to reset the password he gets the message:
Error Please complete the CAPTCHA.
On the registration page and contact page the captcha works properly.
How can I solve this problem?
Captcha problem
Hi midhat
Actually, the captcha field is rendered already there but hidden by this css rule:
.reset .form-group + .form-group, .remind .form-group + .form-group {
display: none;
It looks like you're using old version of JA Directory template, the latest version doesn't use the 'form-group' class anymore, but 'control-group' instead.
Pls backup your site first and update the latest version of JA Directory template.
I tried to update the template several times last year, but each time the site is unavailable to me after that (I can't remember which error it was, but I couldn't open either the backend or the frontend)
midhat You should use JA Extensions Manager to update template
Or the best way is clone your site to a test / dev site, then try to update there first.
In case that you don't want to update, here is the updated file for reset password page:
But it's highly recommended to update latest version of template and framework.
- Edited
I tried again.
When I use JoomlArt Updates I get error 500 as in the attached image. My status in SERVICES MANAGER is online
If I use Local update I get a message "No new version found in Repository"
But in /jaextmanager_data/j16/template/ja_directory/versions/ new versions is uploaded
I also tried to do a simple installation of the new version (Extensions: Update) and then I get this error
Any advice?
You can try. I have backup of my site
- Edited
I was able to install a new version of the template, but only using the "install from folder" option. I notice that there are some changes in the new version:
On the front page I use the "Features" configuration and now a component block appears in it.
And that's why my search module can't touch the slideshow module like on the original template.
I removed <?php $this->loadBlock('mainbody') ?>
from features.php and problem is solved
Yes it is.