Hi, I had an issue with the t4 framework after an update to my templates. After some debugging I found that the onAfterDispatch() function in t4.php was causing the error. If I comment out the following code my site works again.

$inedit = $input->get('layout') == 'edit' || ($input->get('option') == 'com_config' && $input->get('view') != 'templates');
$app->set('themes.base', T4PATH_ADMIN);

Not sure if its a bug in the code or someting going wrong with my Joomla installation. If I restore a backup which contains t4 version 1.0.7 it works. 1.0.8 makes all my menu items with articles say i dont have access.

Sorry Just realised this is for Joomla 4. Im using Joomla 3

    4 days later

    I have tried to update T4 Framework 1.2 to 2.0 a few times but it fails each time (although reporting it worked.) Both with Joomlart Extension Manager and with Joomla update installer.

    Am I missing something?

      I had a similar experience using the normal Joomla install process where you upload the package from your local PC.

      What worked for me was to FTP it to my Joomla "tmp" directory, extract it, and then upload from that directory.

      I hope that works for you.

      Hi bluetrain

      There was unexpected issue with JA Updater, we got it fixed already and it should be working fine now.

      Kindly backup your site and update T4 new version via JA Extensions manager component.


      9 days later

      Hello there, i have the latest T4 framework in joomla 4.0.2 and PHP 7.4.23 (joomla4.anwsi.gr).

      Template not working for me, i get a message "Modulo by zero" with code /var/www/vhosts/anwsi.gr/joomla4.anwsi.gr/plugins/system/t4/themes/base/html/com_content/featured/default.php (71), when i try to apply T4 Blank or T4 BS5 template.

      The same thing happens when i try to use t3 framework, but i dont know if it is fully compatible with joomla 4.

      Anyone has the same problem, i attached some pictures to help.

      Thank you.


      In articles options, tab "Blog\Featured Layouts" i had setting # Columns=1. Seems that occurs in pages with Featured articles, like my test website homepage, all others pages were good and working.

      I changed value to 2, saved and homepage worked! I set it back to value to 1 and worked again. Now only if i set 0 column the error appears. Maybe some of these values hadn't be saved right when i upgraded to joomla 4 and there was a conflict with t4 template.

      Now T3 framework works too in homepage (T3 BS3 works with featured articles, only T3 Blank show "0 - Modulo by zero"). Maybe this helps some people with same problem.

        Hi dtsilog

        It seems to be issue in J!4.0.2. I've shared with the team for further checking.

        Will keep you posted.

        21 days later
        Manit unstickied the discussion.
        4 months later

        happy new year

        sorry to ping / boring you i am with postgreql 14 and an empty joomla 4 (uptodate)
        after activate your framwork in plugin node i have in my db log :
        2022-01-18 14:42:27.891 UTC [19623] INSTRUCTION : SELECT *
        FROM "blogpra_template_styles"
        WHERE "client_id" = 0 AND "home" = 1
        2022-01-18 14:42:38.042 UTC [19636] ERREUR: syntaxe en entrée invalide pour le type smallint : « » au caractère 100
        2022-01-18 14:42:38.042 UTC [19636] INSTRUCTION : SELECT "update_id"
        FROM "blogpra_updates"
        WHERE element = 't4' AND type = 'plugin' AND client_id = '' AND folder = 'system'

        thank you for your help

          pra75020 Could you submit a new topic and share the log in English so we can check?

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