Yes, and just add that code to center? what about the null return and item display? saguaros

saguaros ok the override worked and I can see the null return properly. But stlll need to address the other two issues. - anything over 5000+ returns a null return and on the other items, its only returning some of the items per search and not the correct amount (i.e. should return 14 items and shows only 9).

    jason640 Actually it renders correct number of items. However, your override in template for K2 component doesn't include the pagination so you see only first page.

    I updated this file: /templates/gk_hotel/html/com_k2/templates/default/category.php

    If your search results has 14 items, you can see the 9 items on first page and 5 others on the second one.

    Ok. when selecting 5000+ it still returns null. and the search bar is repeating when the search results are displayed. Initially this did not happen, not sure if something is turned on.

    Lastly, is there away to have the K2 image in the item displayed with the results.?

      What do you mean? There are a few items that have 5000+ In the field and when. You select that in The drop down the result says null.

      Can you also please answer my other two questions
      The results show two drop down menus
      Is there a way for the k2 image to appear

        Hi jason640

        I checked items but did not see item with 5000 in field, could you tell me some?

        And the images are showing now, kindly check.

          saguaros Any of the plans that have 5000+ return with null. there are 4 of them.

          Can this second search bar be turned off when the results appear?

            ok, so I changed the 5000+ to 5000-7000 and it now works. But, when the search returns the results, a second search bar appears. I need that off.

              jason640 I added custom css in the file: /css/override.css to hide 1 search bar. Kindly check.

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