What are the estimated timescales here? It's been over 14 days now, I've tried to be patient but this is becoming ridiculous. Yesterday I highlighted three websites in tickets that needed recreating urgently out of the 10 I have on JA builder. They started one the same day but only did 5 pages out of 20!! And then replied to the other tickets saying only urgent pages get recreated!!! Those three whole websites are now urgent!!
I have the ultimate developer package but does that mean anything...no. You are forcing me to look elsewhere for template builders.
Will we get any compensation for this situation? Your error is costing my business many, many hours of my time, checking websites for pages you're missing when recreating, then checking pages in detail, then switching them over to the main menu. This is a huge amount of work you are costing my business, will there be any compensation, a free years subscription...I doubt it.