Ja Vertical Accordion
The accordion is on the homepage.
Why are all the titles and text linked to article pages?
At first I didn't have the links or anything underlined - I don't want any links) and I must have changes something. I don't know what that would be.
Also the below are not well described in the docs:
Close Self
Close Other
Scroll to After Click

With some investigating it looks like the Style tab in Advanced controls the underlining. Horizontal and Table styles don't underline.
But if set for CLICK (rather than mouseover) the title links to the article page rather than just opening the text.

    I'm not sure what is going on. Something has snapped in the S5 News Blog template maybe.
    All I want is exactly on www.Manufacturingvillage.com on the homepage (scroll down a page).
    What do I have to set to look like this on the Scrubdi.com/DevScrubdi?

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