This site was fixed in desember, but no i just got a blank page when i'm try to edit the page.
can you look in to it?
Regards Tor
Can't edit ja builder anymore
I'm having the same problem. Edit-page will not load/open.
we too have this issue, we fixed it in december which costs us a lot of time and money and now it's again not working
I also have a problem connecting to the edit mode. I get a blank page with the info "rendering blocks" and a progress bar at about 60%.
yesterday, I was able to edit the same page I try today.
- Edited
Same here, this time there must be a backup of our stuff at your serverfarm?
We need infos asap.
Same here, edit page starts loading side but stagnates without showing any content
Themepro is down, this is needed for Pagebuilder?
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Edit Page</title>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0">
<!-- jQuery, using core -->
<body class="jub jub-loading">
<div id="jub-mainbody">
<!-- <script src="/media/jui/js/jquery.min.js"></script> -->
<!-- <script src="/media/jub/assets/lib/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> -->
JUB = {
provider: 'joomlart',
siteUrl: '',
mediaUrl: '/media/jub/dev/default',
assetUrl: '/media/jub/assets',
ckeditorUrl: '/plugins/system/jabuilder/assets/ckeditor',
siteUrlHelper: location.href,
toolUrl: '',
site: 'jba4331fbc2745-e39fbf7a041d5',
osite: '',
page: '2d7d7823f2afd',
layout: '7b7b7c1cd01bc',
page_new: '1',
container: '#jub-mainbody',
contents: {
header: 'blocks',
content: 'blocks',
footer: 'blocks'
encodeData: 1,
version: '1.1.7',
upload_max_size: 1 }
// jQuery.getScript(JUB.toolUrl + '/js/main.js');
<script src=""></script>
...same here white page of death
We are currently updating our server so you may not be able to edit JA Builder pages for now. We're very sorry for this inconvenience and will keep you posted.
Hope you have a copy of your Database this time ;-)
The same problem. Our clients are very upset! Can you inform about the timing when it will be fixed.
same here since yesterday.
how long will it take?
Same problem
Am only getting text editor for JA Builder page editor. Please help.
If I want to edit my websites, then I cannot log in, my login is rejected even though I paid for premium access until mid-April.
What can I do?
Is there any update to the server update status? It appears that we're still stuck not being able to edit the pages...
Thank you for your help.
Same problem, I can't work on Page Builder and my new account will expired soon, should I pay for something that is no working?
I bought the T4 and is the same, also, I can't do something basics as "Copy Page"
I really love your services of Joomlart but I am losing a lot of time.
It is almost a week JA Builder is not functional. We are loosing time and trust in your services. It is happening the second time in 6 months.
I have the very same issue and even more JA builder claims my subscription needs to be renewed which is nonsense.
I'd expect at least daily updates on this issue.