saguaros I appreciate your answer. My site is live and was upgraded from T4 pagebuiler 1.x to 2.x after which this issue started. Can I supply you with debug or other information instead please?. I do not want to share administrator credentials. It should also not be nessesary. You should have skills to troubleshoot differently and share the knowledge with the public, so they can keep control of their own websites.

Looking at the history of this ticket, it appears to be taking long to get anywhere. Please step up the efforts, this has been paid for and should be functioning. Thank you.

](https://) This is the other error when using the joomla article editor and then trying the "toggle to t4 editor" button.

I agree with regularuser.
This kind of issue should have been already solved (one month has passed since I opened the thread), moreover without Joomla admin credentials.
We have provided you screenshots and all the informations you requested.

Please, provide us a resolution.

Thank you


    I have not the folder which is mentioned in the post you referr to. In plugins/editor-xtd there is no "t4pagebuilder" folder.
    So, I can not try that solution for the issue :-(

      newassistentsrl perhaps you have not installed the plugin component. I found it confusing which items to install and installed all packages from the download section.

        Hi guys

        You can try to backup this file: administrator/components/com_t4pagebuilder/libs/Editor/Action/Load.php

        and replace with attached file (unzip first)

        I uploaded the file you zipped, I restarted PHP Apache service in my local Xampp but nothing changed.
        Let me know if you need screenshot of the issue that I see in the console while inspecting the page via Chrome


        I've installed (and re-installed few minutes ago) those files:

        and ri-enabled Content - T4 Page Builder, Editors-xtd - T4 Page Builder, T4 System in Extensions-Plugins
        then I found the folder of that post and updated button.js..
        but nothing changed

        I've installed T4 Framework and T4blank template on a new Joomla instance and everything works properly.

        Could you put your site online so I can check the issue directly?

        The site for which I found the problem (by installing T4 addons) is already online and I sent you a copy of it by making a backup with Akeeba.
        Anyway, what I can do is the following:

        • I can install (on the live site) T4 addons (framework, template etc.)
        • I can try to provide you a restricted access only for T4 Page Builder so that you can do your trials

        I surely cannot provide admin credentials.

        Is that enough for you?

        It's working at my end when I updated above file.

        Could you put your site online so I can check directly?

        The site is already on line.
        If you an access to check, is a restricted access to T4 component enough?

          newassistentsrl You can share the admin account so I can help you out.

          P/s: add info in your reply and set it as Private reply so only Moderators can see.

          9 days later

          Sorry for the late answer.
          Tomorrow I will provide you ad admin account restricted to elements which are related to T4 PB.

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