1.There is no possibility to redirect an user to other login form than the one of the guru components because the process of login is mandatory to be done through the component form. Form functionality is binded with joomla database. All you can do is style the form, if you are an administrator and you have access to sources by editing the "joomla installation folder"\media\files\guru\guru_user_custom.css.
you can do this by accessing the guru component in the settings menu choose layout and in the course page tab you have all the options to show / hide among which you want:
Show Amount of Students
Released Date
We can not hide the price tab, even if the user is logged in because we can not restrict the user right to view the price of the course he paid, plus there can be more price plan on that course also can not be restricted.
For starters, each course can have multiple pricing plans and also several rebuilding plans. But only one default price plan can be set for a course that includes all of its lessons. We can not have different plans depending on the lesson. If you want such a prioritization, do two or more separate courses each with its own plan, including the specific lessons.
Taking into account the release date, it can be set for lessons in the Lesson release section and can be of several types, namely daily, weekly, monthly or hourly. Then set the number of lessons for the chosen interval.
We can not identify the problem. Can you be more specific when this happens, or can you make a screenshot?
Please do note that Guru Pro was updated some time ago and we will also add some new releases in the next weeks, Guru Light doesn't have all the Pro features and for sure is missing the latest lesson release feature.
Thank you.