
I have a few fixes I need to figure out before I can launch my site. 1st is I tried using the wrapper but can't seem to get anything to appear I have a link called "push notifications" accessible only to super users on the front end. This links to a website that allows the sending of push notifications. But nothing appears in the wrapper.

2 is I have a menu module titled "front Desk positioned in the sidebal-l section. When it is displayed in responsive mobile, it is positioned beneath the component. I'd like to have that positioned above it.

Lastly, Is there a way to create a bottom navigation menu like in my uploaded screenshot? I'd like the menu to default to that style when in a mobile responsive view.

Thanks for all of your help so far, I really appreciate it!

    domsonline Hi

    1/ I assign that 'Push Notifications' menu item to 'Cassiopeia' - a standard template of Joomla and the same error happens.

    This error appears in console tab of browser:

    Refused to display 'https://dashboard.onesignal.com/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'deny'.

    I suggest you to contact your hosting provider for help to check this 'X-Frame-Options'

    2/ You can try to use this custom CSS:

    @media (max-width: 576px){
    .t4-main-body .sidebar-l {
        order: -1 !important;

    put into file: root/templates/ja_beauty/local/css/custom.css

    3/ I'm afraid that this template doesn't have option for that bottom navigation, you can search for a 3rd party extension supporting this feature.


    Thank you for this valuable info! I'll try your suggestions and report back.

    The code suggestion didn't work 🙁 also, there's no extension available that I could find for Joomla 4 that would accomplish the menu bar. Thanks again for trying to help. I'll contact go daddy to see if they can assist with the x-fame issue.

      domsonline Do you mean my suggested CSS code doesn't work?

      You can share the URL of that page so I can check for you.

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