
We are in process of migrating to Joomla ‎4.2.9 from Joomla! 3.10.11

So far everything is working except the pages that we created with page builder shows this error:
0: Call to undefined method via call(): del in /home4/avaliob1/public_html/staging/components/com_jabuilder/jabuilder.php on line 21

This is the staging website with new Joomla: http://staging.oven.repair/

this is the live site with Joomla 3: https://oven.repair/

Can you please help with this?

    behroz Hi

    Unfortunately, JA Builder is not ready for Joomla 4 yet, our team are working on it and hopefully it can be released soon.

    Kindly wait for the update.


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