I have one category blog page (named CERTIFIKACE), where is not possible to set up/change/remove masthead. I've tried:

  • setup picture for the category,
  • setup picture for menu item,
  • find/change the picture in template setup,
  • also delete the masthead in template setup,
    but without success, "tatoo picture" (see attachement) is still there.

    How can I change it, except rewrite the picture via FTP.
    Notes: J!4, JA_Beauty - both updated
    Thank you,


Could you share the correct URL to access backend of your site? I tried with /administrator but it's forbidden

    I'm sorry! Access via /administrator should be OK.
    Thank you,


    In JA Masthead module, I tried to assign to that page and the masthead background is changed normally, kindly check.

    Thank you very much for correction, but I don't understand why shall I assign the module two times

    • in the module Menu Assignment
    • and also in Menu Item (on your picture)

    And also I would like to have the module assigned just for the first page "CERTIFIKACE" and not for subpages/articles in it.
    Thank you!


    It seems that you have locked the admin login again, and I am unable to access /administrator.

    The menu items shown in the above image are for setting the display title, description, and image for the masthead, rather than assigning them to the menu.

    You can use a "sub layout" with a layout that does not include the masthead position to remove the masthead from subpages/articles.


    thank you for information! Could you give me some IP, I would add it to admin white list? Now it's accessible again for all.
    I would like to have masthead with picture from "Intro Image" in Article, I think it works in Joomla 3 & JA Company (when I added Masthead to Menu Item).
    There are many things that make me mad and worked without problems. For example, when I create an item in Palettes (see the new Kontakt item on attached picture - nr. 1.), and then I want to assign Palette item to footer layout, it has different name. Moreover, Headdings have different color (on picture nr. 2.). And last thing, I've already deleted the item "GREY COPY" and it's there again.

    Just for information, I use FF and Brave browser, I always try to have cache cleared out, but there is still something unwanted. What is the best workflow?

      Hello, I've mentioned that all is up to date in the first post (I have T4 in ver. 2.2.9).

      I understand that you have latest version but in some cases, the update doesn't work properly so installing T4 plugin directly would fix the issue.

      Could you grant super admin's permissions for provided account so I can try?

      Something wrong with the palette you created.

      We re-created it for you and could see it's in the palettes list now:

      Kindly check.

      That Certifikace page is using a different style + layout, I add the palette and it's ok now. Kindly check.

      Could you tell me what browser do you use? I've got 2 browsers (FF & Brave) in Private mode and both display incorrect colors.

      I got your point, the issue here is that these text are showing with H4 heading tag and it's inheriting the heading color set in this 'TC-body' template style:

      The template style that you assigned to Homepage has heading with white color so it can display normally.

      Hello, thank you, but I don't understand why I can assign a pallete to the footer or other page item. Why it is not used then? According to what you write, the background of the footer should be also white, because it is defined that way in the Theme Colors.

        tcadmin Because in a palette, it also has option to set background so the footer will use background of palette.

        While the palette doesn't set the color for headings, so it will inherit settings in base color as my screenshot.

        I hope this makes senses.

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