We need fix, we will archive 5K article on monday and give another try

Could you share admin info to private box, also send me the module id that crashes your site?

ok, i've a meeting in 30mn will be back in 1hour will give you the admin and the backdoor,

thanks a lot, the host want to fire us because of these crash

kind regards,


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    hidden content

    Also the issue is random we have archived 5K articles on the 15k to reduce the load of the query


      FTP info doesnt work. Could you check? I need to do some test on your server.

        After further investigation, i think issue might not because of ja good template. Ja good layouts for mod_articles_category only use joomla module data, no extra db query. You can turn on the module, delete all ja good layout content and monitor this issue again. All layouts you can find at: /templates/ja_good/html/mod_articles_category

        Because of your site have a mount of articles, i prefer mysql needs more memory. I made some tests and the result is:

        SELECT @@key_buffer_size/1024/1024
        SELECT @@max_allowed_packet/1024/1024
        SELECT @@sort_buffer_size/1024/1024
        SELECT @@read_buffer_size/1024/1024

        Could you ask db team to increase key_buffer_size, max_allowed_packet, sort_buffer_size and read_buffer_size to 250M?

        what this mean i have to delete ja good ? and ask to increase ? without ja good the site don't crash

          All queries you sent come from module mod_articles_category. This is a module of joomla core. Ja Good support some layout override for this module. To test out ja good makes your site crash or not, you can open all override layouts of module mod_articles_category, empty them and monitor template ja good again. The folder is /templates/ja_good/html/mod_articles_category.

          Hope this clear.

          ok that has to be seen by the level 2 support at hostpoint, but the engineer will be back tomorrow, so i get back in touch with you when he will be back

          thanks you a lot for your support because our website is at risk and its 15 year of work,

          kind regards,


          i'm sorry i dont understood that :

          you can open all override layouts of module mod_articles_category, empty them and monitor template ja good again. The folder is /templates/ja_good/html/mod_articles_category.

          you want to said to open the file, empty them, save them, and retry ?

            have you finished with the web site can i re activate admin tools ?

            Nvm, please check my second thought, your mysql should be able to use more memory.

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