J3-> J4 transition.
Installed Ja Social 2.0.2

Frontend editing using jce or standard editor generates an error.
The website in the frontend works like is should, apart from an error when you try to edit a page.


I've tried
-- changing template to default casiopeia
-- I've scanned all website code for JHTMLBehavior::CALENDAR, with no results...

Is there a problem with the JA Social II theme?

Please advise,

Hi Patrick,

It seems that there is part on your site (module/plugin/template overrides/....) is not compatible with J4.

You can share the URL of this page and super admin account of your site, I will check directly for you.


8 months later

Dear support,

Still strubbeling, but we want to migrate to J4 as soon as possible.

We have 2 problems using Ja Social II version 2.1.0 on Joomla 4.4.2.
Both problems disappear when using the default Cassiopeia template.
So I assume it is Ja Social II related.

-1- When editing a page in the frontend, using the JCE pro editor.
There will be that ‘500 BEHAVIOR::CALENDAR NOT FOUND’
You can test it here: https://j4demo.zorgrapportage-herbergier.nl/index.php/huis/huisregels

-2- When using the komento component in the frontend.
There will be ‘0 CLASS "JREQUEST" NOT FOUND’
You can test it here: https://j4demo.zorgrapportage-herbergier.nl/index.php/overdracht/mededelingen

Can you tell me how to pms you the login for my testing website?

Please advise,

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    pjfroelofs -1- When editing a page in the frontend, using the JCE pro editor.
    There will be that ‘500 BEHAVIOR::CALENDAR NOT FOUND’
    You can test it here: https://j4demo.zorgrapportage-herbergier.nl/index.php/huis/huisregels

    It's due to this override for the edit form in T3 plugin: /plugins/system/t3/base-bs3/html/com_content/form/, somehow this old override still included here on your site so I renamed it and it's working now.

    pjfroelofs -2- When using the komento component in the frontend.
    There will be ‘0 CLASS "JREQUEST" NOT FOUND’
    You can test it here: https://j4demo.zorgrapportage-herbergier.nl/index.php/overdracht/mededelingen

    I did the same with this folder: /templates/ja_social_ii/html/com_komento/ as by default JA Social II doesn't have this override, if you override this, kindly check this code again as it'll be required to update for J4/J5.

    Thank you for your solutions.

    Regarding the second problem (frontend editing/0 CLASS "REGISTRY" NOT FOUND)
    Now there is a new problem.
    After editing a page in the frontend, I hit the 'save and close' button.
    Then the same ERROR appears:


    Please advise,

    HI Patrick,

    It's due to the error in this core file of T3 plugin: /plugins/system/t3/includes/core/bot.php we already fixed it but not release the new version of T3 yet.

    I updated for you and it worked now.

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