I got a message in browser for the frontend: ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS
Backend is OK, but frontend does not show. I read somwhere that the problem is that if your home page is not default, but ma home page is default. Could you help me to solve this problem?

Thank you!

    gallowsbird Hi

    It seems to be a bug in the override for the com_content of template, our team is looking into this issue. Kindly wait.

      6 days later


      Our dev is on holidays now, he will be back on 15 Feb, please wait for us.

      Thank you!


        Ok, thank you. But please find a solotuin this week, because I run ads on the site and my clients getting run out of patience!



          The frontend of your site is working now, could you check and confirm?

          Hi gallowsbird I have resolved the issue by overriding certain files in the directory template\gk_evonews\html\com_content\featured\. Please check again.


            cssmagician Thank you guys! It is working again!
            Just for your information: The error showed up after the latest template update,

            Thank you again!

              gallowsbird The latest package of template includes changes for Joomla 5, however, it accidentally has backward issue with Joomla 3 which your site is running with. If you upgrade your site to Joomla 5, it will be fine.

              Have a good day!

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