
I am trying to increase the height of the s5 menu wrap so I can add in subtext under the menu titles. I also want to decrease the height of s5 search top bar. I have attached a screen shot. Ive tried using the inspect tool but I cannot find padding for this.

https://) one and decrease the other.

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      Hi webcentric,
      I think you forgot provide the site URL, give me your site, I will help you resolve this issue.

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          Hi webcentric,
          I have added the following CSS code to the /templates/health_guide/css/custom.css file:

          /*improve logo on mobile*/
          .s5_responsive_mobile_present #s5_logo_wrap {
              padding: 20px 0;
          /*Expand header on desktop*/
          #s5_logo_wrap {
            padding: 30px 0
          @media (min-width: 1075px) {
            #s5_menu_inner {
                margin-top: 0;
                padding: 30px 0;
          /*Decrease Call us today - search icon*/
          #s5_search_wrap {
            line-height: 30px;
          #s5_search_top_bar_inner {
              padding-top: 10px;
              padding-bottom: 10px;

          Thank you.

          Would you please look in to expanding the padding around the highlighted blue area on the main menu so that the subtext can be seen clearly. I have attached a screenshot of the issue. Also looks like the main menu is cut off when scrolling down the page. Screen shot attached for that as well.

          Thank you,

          Thank you.

            Hi webcentric,
            I have added the following CSS code to your site:

            #s5_nav li.has-subtext .S5_parent_subtext {
              color: #333 !important;
            #s5_nav li.has-subtext.mainMenuParentBtnFocused .S5_parent_subtext {
              color: #fff !important;
            #s5_nav li.active.has-subtext .S5_parent_subtext {
                color: #fff !important;
            /*fix menu sticky*/
            #s5_menu_wrap.s5_wrap #s5_menu_inner, #s5_menu_wrap.s5_wrap_fmfullwidth #s5_menu_inner {
              margin-top: 0;
            #s5_menu_wrap.s5_wrap #s5_logo_wrap, #s5_menu_wrap.s5_wrap_fmfullwidth #s5_logo_wrap {
              margin-top: 0;
            #s5_menu_wrap.s5_wrap #s5_menu_wrap2, #s5_menu_wrap.s5_wrap_fmfullwidth #s5_menu_wrap2 {
                height: 120px!important;

            Also, I have updated the following code in the /templates/health_guide/vertex/s5flex_menu/helpers.php line 546:

            if ($S5_subtext != "") {
                  $has_subtext = "has-subtext";
            } else {
                  $has_subtext = "";
            $display .= "<li   class='" . $class_active . " ". $has_subtext ." " . $pitem->anchor_css . "' ><span class='s5_level1_span1'><span class='s5_level1_span2'>$image" . $link_format . $parent_subtext_flex . "</span></span>";
            11 days later
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