Our subscription is up for renewal and my boss is ready to purchase, but I have some questions first. We originally went with the JA Findus template which we have changed how we use it multiple times due to testing event software, and some of them being better than others. I recently ran into a bug between pagebuilder ck and the updated for JA Findus which lead me back to this site where I noticed the JA Events 2 template has themes for jticketing, jevents, and events booking.
We used to work with jticketing, but dropped them due to technical issues and their lack of being able to fix them. We waited more than 3 months for a fix that we never got. We are now with Events Booking, things have been going better, but still working out a few kinks.
I like the layout and would like to swap over, but not sure what I am in for in doing so. I would like some questions answered first.
I did not update to Joomla 5 on release as I wanted to wait until developers were able to get their products caught up so that all my other plugins would work.
Is everything with the JA Events2 template Joomla 5 compatible?
If we already have a subscription to Events booking, are their any other plugins that would have to be purchased along side our renewal to have the JA Events2 template work as shown in the demo?
How easy/hard would it be to get my current Joomla 4 / JA Findus / Events Booking installation running Joomla 5 / JA Events 2 / Events Booking?
You have a $50 addon for setting up the demo on a server, could that consist of making the swap for us?

    bostoneventguide Hello

    JA Events II template is ready for Joomla 5, however, when we updated this template to J5, Event Booking component was not ready for J5 yet so our team updated template only without Events Booking.

    If your site is running with Joomla 4 now, you can use JA Events II template with Events Booking.

    In case that you want to use with this template + Events Booking in J5, I recommend you to clone your live site to a dev site and test there first. If everything goes fine, you can update the same for your live site.


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