
I am using a free system plugin developed by Techjoomla that allows us to have an alternative homepage when a user is logged in (basically instead of going to the main home page which is confusing). The scenario is when users close the site and re-open it whilst they still have an active session, it opens our dedicated logged in home page instead of defaulting to the main home page.

It works great, however when enabled, the social share icons will not display.

Is there any way to get around this as I would ideally like to use both plugins together? I have attached the Techjoomla plugin (just an xml and php file) to see if you can see any conflict with the JA Social Share plugin. I would love to get them working together:


    melanieb HI

    Where are you showing the JA Social Share plugin? Does it work when not using that plugin of Techjoomla?


    I am showing social share on my easyblog pages and elsewhere on the site. Yes, the TechJoomla component works regardless, its the social share that doesn't work if the techj plugin is enabled. The share buttons dissappear.

    If you add both to a test site does it do same for you?

    Doers that help?

    What's name of this plugin? do you have documentation page of this plugin so I can replicate at my end?

    melanieb Hi

    My bad! I must have been missed your reply that you mentioned to use EasyBlog, atm JA Social Share plugin support default Joomla content such as: Articles, Contacts, ... only. I guess the social share buttons on EasyBlog posts belongs to EasyBlog component itself.

    I also tried to install above plugin into my Joomla 5 website but it seems have no affect.

    Hi saguaros,
    no problem at all.

    No, I am not using EasyBlog share - only your component.

    So are you saying your social icons display?

      melanieb I meant the plugin itself, I tried to enable it + set a homepage but the homepage is still the same as default and the social share buttons are still there.

      2 months later

      Sorry I am only just back to this. I love your JA Social Share buttons, they are the best I have tried, but I cannot get them to work with this plugin enabled. I know its the plugin, but I need that so now have to find an alternative social share.

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