I've just checked the PHP log file, and there are some errors being thrown as shown below. It might help:
....\administrator\components\com_templates\src\Model\StyleModel.php on line 399
...\administrator\components\com_templates\src\Model\StyleModel.php on line 400
...\components\com_finder\src\Model\SearchModel.php on line 123
RTL Layout Direction Issue After Joomla Update to Version 5.1.0
4 days later
Any one can help please ?
Could you tell me how it should look like on RTL page of your site?
saguaros Hi ,
The page layout is still displaying from left to right when Arabic language is selected. It should change to right-to-left direction for the entire page. I have attached a screenshot and added a finger gesture indicating how the page layout should appear after choosing Arabic language.
I tried with FileZilla client but it did not work:
Command: LIST
Error: The data connection could not be established: ECONNREFUSED - Connection refused by server
8 days later
I appreciate your assistance with this issue. It's working well now. Thank you so much!
Best regards!
saguaros locked the discussion.