Seem to be having a problem switching to different templates within jomsocial itself, it happens across all JS templates that the error "Invalid template." appears. Using the lastest version of JS and Joomla 5.1.4

    7 days later

    justauser Hi

    Could you share the URL + super admin account of your site so I can take a look?

    Actually this remedied itself for some reason and seems fine now without the error.

    4 months later

    Good evening, I seem to have this same issue. The only error is the admin display error "Invalid template." I am able to switch between templates, however, i am not able to configure any of them for some odd reason.

    I do not have any other errors anywhere else on the site. I have checked:

    • joomla errors
    • joomla error logs
    • server side error logs

    I have checked to make sure everything is updated. Below are a few steps I have taken:

    • Reverted back to the default admin template
    • Removed the custom Admin template,
    • Dumped the joomla, web and server cache (might as well be thorough eh?)
    • Checked error logs, no errors reported
    • Enabled Error Reporting and set to maximum
    • Database tables good
    • made a full backup (server and local)
    • Uninstalled and reinstalled JomSocial

    Key System information:

    • Apache Server
    • Joomla! 5.2.1
    • PHP Version 8.2.18
    • mysqlnd Version 8.2.18 (matches)
    • MySQL Version 8.0.35
    • php-fpm Enabled

    I am at a loss at this time. I hope someone can help, I am sure I am missing something, somewhere. Thank you in advance!

      Good evening Saguaros,
      Thank you for the reply. I am aware that Jomsocial templates (themes) only change for Jomsocial only, and not the primary site's template/style. I am also aware that we can create customization's and overrides. I do this quite often, or create my own templates when the need arises. However, in this case I am talking about this:

      If I need to do this manually via the htnl and css files I will not have a choice, but I am hoping that I can use some of the default functionality built into the templates, such as selecting if it is a light or dark setting for the template.

      Thank you kindly,

      P.S. I have been using Jomsocial since it first came out way before JA picked it up, as well as several of the other template sites to use as testing and base. I am quite happy with JA. 🙂

      Good day and happy Sunday,
      I am hoping to get this resolved so I can at least change the "Welcome to JS Anime" message.
      If it is not in the theme/template for JS, could you point to me where it is without me having set the "Show frontpage paragraph" or set as "display:none" and create a module override?
      I can do overrides for aspects of the template that is not included under the "Theme Settings".

      Thank you

      9 days later

      Hello and good evening,
      I was wondering if I could get some assistance to this issue I am having? I have a deadline that is coming up close, and still have a lot of other work that needs to be done.

      I did a local clean install, and I have the same issue. Updated Joomla and no other components or plugins or custom templates. Only Joomla 5.2.3 and JomSocial 4.9.5.

      Thank you so much, looking forward to hearing from anyone that might have an idea.

      Best regards,

      Dear Sarr,

      These text are defined in this file: root/components/com_community/templates/js_anime/layouts/frontpage/guest.php

      Please take a look at this line:

      <h2>Welcome to JS Anime</h2>
      <p><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_HERO_PARAGRAPH'); ?></p>

      change it to:

      <h2><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_GET_CONNECTED_TITLE'); ?></h2>
      <p><?php echo JText::_('COM_COMMUNITY_HERO_PARAGRAPH'); ?></p>

      Then you can override these 2 language constants:


      5 days later

      Good evening,
      So if I am understanding this correctly, there is no longer the option to go into the JomSocial themes/templates to set things like "light/dark" themes, or any of the template specifics now?

      One of the things we were going to do was create our own custom template/theme for JomSocial so we could keep it updated and allow our Support and PR people to be able to make changes as needed. IE: We wanted to eventually use that "COM_COMMUNITY_HERO_PARAGRAPH" as a small announcement/update section for the community.

      Thank you,

      Hi Sarrene,

      I will forward this to Jomsocial team if they can have update on this, if you need any help with Jomsocial at this moment, just let us know 🙂

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