It looks like many of my site have lost the ability to add / edit subtitles under the main menu.
Sub-Title under menu - Light Church Template
Do you mean this field? I still see it at my end:
No, its under the menu page, for example on the front page -
In the admin it looks like this. I added what is currently there, but that does not exist anymore so I can't edit or add new sub text.
webcentric Could you share the super admin account of your site so I can take a look?
webcentric Hi
The login info doesn't work, could you check again?
Please try again. I just logged in with the same credentials.
I can log into your site and found that the System - S5 Flex Menu plugin was disabled. You need to publish this plugin to have that S5 Flex Menu Parameters in the menu settings.
I enabled for you, kindly check.
Thank you - That must have happened during an update as I wouldn't have turn that plug in off for any other reason. The same happened to a couple of my other sites as well as I mentioned in the above message!
Thank again.
It’s my pleasure! Please let me know if you need any further assistance.