This seems to be a recurring problem. I always have problems with displaying the badges in the page using JA Mega Filter. I make some changes to it, but am pretty sure about in what files I need to update, if I'd like to use my own Field Names. I recieved some help with changing the file 'grid.php' in the plugin content folder for Mega Filter but now I can't get it to work. Please advice!

    meseko Hi

    Are you working on your site? As the filter is not showing now.

    I am, so this is even weirder... what happened now. I've installed another 3rd party extension, but that shouldn't interfere with the Mega Filter Module. It is acting really strange... what to do?
    I have a clean installation of the template as well, and there's no problem there. I have tried to replicate the backend, but no luck!

      meseko Somehow, the filter fields aren’t rendered there. I’ve requested your permission to download the backup in another topic, and I’ll check it on my local machine.

      13 days later

      meseko It looks like the associated classes are not rendered correctly, we're looking into this and keep you posted.

      It's a weird issue on your site, we updated this file to fix the issue: templates/ja_findus/html/plg_jamegafilter_content/grid.php


      The badges are showing now: index.php/reseguiden/utfoerda-resor

      11 days later
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