Hi everyone I have created a custom field that I would like my user to be able to utilise with JA Megafilter to search/filter content.

I have selected that the user can search/filter for Tag (this is product application) and Title (both base fields of JA Megafilter) and I would also like them to be able to search/filter by the custom field named Industry. This Filter will display on selected pages only.

The selected TAG & TITLE display in the JA Megafilter however the CUSTOM FIELDS do not display as part of the search/filter feature of JA Megafilter but they do display in the product filtered results (as I have set up).

The live demo shows this can be done.

  1. In JA Megafilter have Published the Custom Field and ticked the "use to sort" option
  2. The Tags & Custom Fields are multiple choice for the user
  3. The search is based/displayed per a category of flow meter

I have just uninstalled and reinstalled JA Megafilters as it was not previoulsy displaying once filter was created.

Is there something I am missing?


    In Backend > Components > JA Megafilter > try to Index the filter you're showing.

    If there is still no go, share me the admin account of your site ( https://cl.ly/3y3R0p24250G ) I will check for you.

    Hi Saguaros
    I indexed as suggested however was still unable to see the custom field in the filter menu.
    I have added admin details as requested. Please note we use Admin Tools and normally I have the 'Allow administrator access only to IPs in Whitelist' selected as YES. If you have any problems accessing please provide your IP and I will add to the approved list.
    Thanks Jacquie

    Hi Jacquie,

    Yes, I can't access backend of your site right now. You can add an exception for my IP here:

      saguaros I have made sure your IP is not blocked and the credentials are enabled please try again. Thank you.
      regards Jacquie

      Have you had a chance to login and take a look at why the Custom Fields are not displaying as part of the JA Megafilter? I have added your IP address to the do no block.

        saguaros I just noticed I have actually given you the incorrect admin login. I have corrected this. Can you please try again. (so sorry for this)

          saguaros That is really strange I know that the profile was enabled when I created it but showing as disabled. I have enabled the profile and logged in to test it is working. Fingers crossed you should be right now.



            I can login now but after several minutes, I can't access and get this message:

            You have tried to log in unsuccessfully to this website. Contact system administrator.

            Could you check it for me?

              saguaros I have made sure that the IP address you have provided is not blocked. I have also added your IP to the Admin Tools Administrator Whitelist and reactivated the Admin Whitelist. Geographical blocking has been checked and Vietnam is not blocked.
              I am not sure why it is kicking you out of the backend of the website.


                I updated with these 2 packages on your site and it's working now.

                Kindly check.

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