Hi Saguaros
I indexed as suggested however was still unable to see the custom field in the filter menu.
I have added admin details as requested. Please note we use Admin Tools and normally I have the 'Allow administrator access only to IPs in Whitelist' selected as YES. If you have any problems accessing please provide your IP and I will add to the approved list.
Thanks Jacquie
Custom Field options do not display
Hi Jacquie,
Yes, I can't access backend of your site right now. You can add an exception for my IP here:
Have you had a chance to login and take a look at why the Custom Fields are not displaying as part of the JA Megafilter? I have added your IP address to the do no block.
I can access login form in backend but the provided account seems not work: http://prntscr.com/kgg999
Kindly check and update again.
saguaros I have made sure that the IP address you have provided is not blocked. I have also added your IP to the Admin Tools Administrator Whitelist and reactivated the Admin Whitelist. Geographical blocking has been checked and Vietnam is not blocked.
I am not sure why it is kicking you out of the backend of the website.
Thankyou very much