Ninja Hi I did what you asked.
monique-cl Hi Also, check FTP account details, and kindly assigned a subdomain to the folder and share the subdomain here.
Hi There,
Can you double check the login details - I can't login at the moment
Thanks Paul
Ftp account details are correct, subdomain is demo_verite I Checked login details from back-end and they are correct now.
Sorry the problems.
Because your server disabled the PHP parse_ini_file function So vertex could not load ini file.
I edited the file: /templates/forte/vertex/admin/core/vertex.php Line 247, 250 Change
Thank you so much I changed it ! I saw there was an update for vertex and installed it the update, after I updated it the problem came back and I needed to change it again, Do I have to change it now after every update? And how is it possible that it change this way?
thanks again
You could ask your host provider to enable the PHP function.