Please check this screenshot : .
You now have two accounts as you have used different emails on Joomlart and Gavick. The merge of accounts happen only if the email is same.
Jumping to conclusion that we have sinister plans is not right. Information about how the accounts are merged is already on the blog posts of Joomlart and gavick. One need to read the information carefully.
There are bound to be issues when something on this scale is carried out.
Vivacomputers is JoomlArt username and vivacomputers1 username is your gavick lifetime access.
Login with vivacomputers1 as username and password is same as your gavick password.
Will merge these two accounts but you need to open a ticket in the helpdesk and confirm, which email you wish to keep in the system.
Dont jump to conclusions.
If the email is same during migration, then only the membership info is imported.
If the emails are different but username is already in the system, the number suffix is added to it.