This weekend, We are releasing
- 2 JoomlArt Joomla templates: JA Mero and JA Brisk
- 1 Gavick Joomla template: GK Portfolio
- 3 Gavick WordPress themes: GK MusicState, GK MSocial and GK Bluap
Joomla Products Updates & Version release info
This weekend, We are releasing
This weekend, We are releasing
This weekend, We are releasing
This weekend, We are releasing :
This weekend, We are releasing updates for 2 JoomlArt Joomla templates JA Argo, JA Teline IV(T3) and 2 Gavick Joomla template GK Magazine, GK Simplicity for Joomla 3.8.3 compatibility, 3rd party extension upgrade and bug fixes. We also released WP theme update for GK News2, GK Cloudhost and GK John for WP. Please check release details below:
This weekend, We are releasing 3 JoomlArt Joomla templates: JA Fixel, JA Community Plus and 3 Gavick Joomla template GK Game, GK Storebox, GK Rockwall for Joomla 3.8.3 compatibility, 3rd party extension upgrade and bug fixes. We also released WP theme update for GK Writer, GK Photo, GK Villa Bellucci for WP.
This weekend, we are releasing 4 JoomlArt Joomla templates: JA Muzic, JA Appolio, JA Onepage, JA Jason and 3 Gavick Joomla templates GK News Refreshed, GK Music, GK Creativity template for Joomla 3.8.3 compatibility, 3rd party extension upgrade and bug fixes.We also updated two WordPress themes.
This weekend, we are releasing 5 JoomlArt Joomla templates: JA Healthcare, JA Decor, JA Biz, JA Wall, JA Magz with 8 templates quickstart & JA Mega filter extension updated for Joomla 3.8.3 and 4 Gavick Joomla templates: GK Instyle, GK Bluap, GK News 2, GK CloudHost template with News Highlighter module for Joomla 3.8.3 compatibility, 3rd party extension upgrade and bug fixes. Please check release details below:
This weekend, we are releasing 5 JoomlArt Joomla templates: JA Social ii, JA Events ii, JA Mood, JA Simpli, JA Brickstore and 3 Gavick Joomla templates: GK Photo, GK John, GK template and 1 Gavick Joomla extensions for Joomla 3.8.2 compatibility, 3rd party extension upgrade and bug fixes. Please check release details below:
This weekend, we are releasing 3 JoomlArt Joomla templates: JA Restaurant, JA Mitius, JA Anion and 3 Gavick Joomla templates: GK Writer template, GK SteakHouse template, GK Hotel template and 3 Gavick Joomla extensions for Joomla 3.8.2 compatibility, 3rd party extension upgrade and bug fixes. Please check release details below:
This weekend, we are releasing JA Joomla Page Builder, JA Admin template, Gavick Box template and 3 free Gavick modules with Joomla 3.8.2 compatibility, 3rd party extension upgrade and bug fixes. Please check release details below:
JA Megafilter component version 1.1.0 has been released with 5 important new features: layout config, cron job, pre-loader, support counter for color and media filter and support sorting for non-latin characters and bug fixes