

We would like to announce RC version release of T4 Framework with following major updates:

  • Site Settings Profile
  • Navigation Profile
  • Supports Right To Left (RTL) language layout
  • Improved Google Fonts settings
  • Bug fixes

T4 Framework is our completely new Joomla template framework built with all new technologies, ready for Joomla 3 and Joomla 4, advanced features and optimized for performance.

T4 Joomla template framework updated

T4 Joomla Template Framework RC updated

T4 Joomla Template Framework RC Release:
Important Updates

1. Site Settings Profile

Site Settings panel includes configuration for the site name, site slogan, logo image, custom favicon and more. Now, you can create multiple Site Settings profiles with different configurations for the mentioned settings and assign the profile for different template styles. Thus, you could have different logos, favicon, site name for different pages.

Create new Site Settings profile

T4 Joomla template framework site settings profile

Create new Site Settings profile

Assign profile for the template style

T4 Joomla template framework site settings profile

Select Site Settings profile

You have full control of the Site Settings profile:

  • Configure all available settings in the Site Settings
  • Restore default settings of default Site Settings profile
  • Clone any Site Settings profile
  • Delete profile (only cloned items)

In which cases you can use the Site Settings Profile?

  • Want to have different logo, favicon on different pages
  • Want to have different site name, site slogan on different pages

2. Navigation Profile

In one website, you may use different menus on different pages. The Navigation profile is designed to help manage your navigation system faster and easier.

T4 Joomla template navigation setting

Navigation profile management

You can create multiple navigation profiles, each navigation profile could have different configurations of:

  • Megamenu: select a menu and build megamenu for the menu using the megamenu builder
  • Off-canvas: configuration for off-canvas menu
  • Menu breakpoint: select the screen that mobile menu will be enabled
T4 Joomla template navigation setting

Navigation profile settings

T4 Joomla template megamenu setting

Configure megamenu in each Navigation profile

You have full control of the navigation profile:

  • Configure megamenu, off-canvas in the profile
  • Restore default settings of default navigations
  • Clone any navigation profile
  • Delete navigation profile (only cloned items)

In which cases you can use the Navigation Profile?

  • Multilingual websites: requres menus for corresponding language
  • Want to have different mengamenu on different pages
  • Want to have different menu on different pages
  • Want to have different off-canvas menu on different pages
  • Want to have different logo, favicon on different pages

3. Support Right To Left (RTL) language layout

We know, building websites for right to left (RTL) language layout that use special languages like Arab, Persian, etc could give developers some trouble. Thus, we make our new T4 Joomla Template Framework fully supports RTL language layout by default and this feature is now available.

T4 Joomla template framework supports right to left language layout

T4 Framework supports RTL language layout

After setting a right to left language as default, all pages will be perfectly switched to Right To Left mode and your website will be fully Right To Left layout compatible.

4. Improved Google Font settings: Easier and more friendly

T4 Joomla Framework supports powerful theme customization tools where you can select different themes for different pages, customize style for specific content elements like typography, heading, page background, text color.

The Advanced Font Manager allows you to define fonts to use, add custom fonts with ease. Google Font is supported by default with inbuilt Google Font selection panel that the font setting becomes easier, faster and more friendly. You can search for a font family, select font family and supported font-weight.

T4 Joomla template framework Google font settings

Google Font Settings

5. And Bug fixes

We started building new templates using T4 Framework to make sure all features are useful, easy to use and can meet developer and user's expectation. The new template development also helps us a lot in testing all the features and get the issues fixed faster.

The Test team also joined to test all features of the new framework, its compatibility with popular 3rd party extensions, performance and more. We are in the very final stage of stable release.

From very first release - Preview, we got lots of support from our users in testing the new framework, it does help us in improving the project. We hope to continue getting more supports from community.

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