
We love Joomla!Great event, great conference, great friends & great Joomla! JandBeyond 2010 - It was so amazing! And having had a chance to be there as both an attendee and speaker, presenting the JoomlArt JA T3 Framework, I have to say it is one of the best conferences I have ever been to. Not only is it an "academic" conference where people can share knowledge & experience, but it is also a fun & community spirit building event.

During the 72 hours of conferencing, we had a fantastic time meeting old & new Joomla! friends from all around the world face to face: Daniel from CompojoomComment, Nicholas from AkeebaBackup, Yannick & Victor from sh404SEF , Fotis from K2 - JoomlaWorks, Steve from Alledia, Max & Soren from VirtueMart, Emmanuel Danan from Flexicontent, Beat & Nick from Community Builder, Michel from OsSupportDesk and many other respected Joomla! developers as well. The most excited thing that I've come to realize is that all of these big name Joomla! developers don't just write good source code, they are all very friendly and easy guys to talk to.  And best of all...they are amazing beer men to party with :) . Did you all get my free beer?

Special thanks to the team behind all these amazing things: Roberts, Alex, Brian, Johan, Ryan who made this event an unforgettable time for everyone. We all will look forward to JandBeyond 2011.

JandBeyond 2010

#Joomla is great! We love you!

#JaB10 is awesome!

JaB10 friends are so cool!

#JaB11, will you be there?