
JA Brisk - JoomlArt November responsive template for Joomla! 2.5 & Joomla! 3.0

We have been receiving the same questions over and over again from you guys:

  • Joomla! 3.0 was out already, what is your plan for Joomla! 3.0?
  • Do you guys have a rough idea when exactly your template will be available for Joomla! 3.0?
  • OMG, when are you guys are going to release Joomla! 3.0 templates?
  • Are you sure you are going to have Joomla! 3.0 template anytime soon, 'cuz I'm not informed at all on you guys' intention toward Joomla! 3.0?

The similar questions are stacking up daily and will continue to go on and on for the next few weeks. We do understand and the truth is we had little to share with you till now as the development work was in full swing for T3v3 framework with code changing daily. With these releases we are closer to stable release and can plan the upgrades for other templates.

Good news is:

JA Brisk - our November template is released today and is Joomla! 3.0 ready(Yes, our first Joomla! 3.0 club template for all our JoomlArt fans out there). We have been working days and night, weekdays and weekend for this release. This template is built on T3v3 Framework latest version T3V3 1.0.0 RC1 with all the following add-in features besides the features released with the T3v3 Beta 2 version.:

  • Override core joomla JModuleHelper, JViewLegacy to allow override layout in plugin base theme
  • Move some overridden modules, components template to plugin T3v3
  • Added class T3v3Path
  • Added tour guide in template back-end
  • Added item-first, item-last to first, last block in spotlight

JA Brisk has a sleek, clean and smart design that will immediately catch any business' attention, whose are aiming for their perfect portfolio website. JA Brisk also supports K2 style and is shipped with complimentary extensions updated for Joomla! 3.0 such as JA Slideshow Lite, JA Twitter, JA Masshead module etc., and some bonus pages are also included.


JA Brisk Homepage

Bonus Page

JA Bonus page

Multiple Themes

Multiple color Themes Supported By Default

Since JA Brisk is built on T3v3 platform, the back-end also gets a makeover:

JA Brisk back-end

JA Brisk back-end

Thanks for this T3v3 1.0.0 RC1 update, you get the Visual Administrator Tour to help you out (even if you have no clue on T3v3):

The Visual Administrator Tour in JA Brisk

The Visual Administrator Tour in JA Brisk

The Visual Administrator Tour in JA Brisk

The Mini Tour in JA Brisk

If you are not ready for Joomla! 3.0 yet, don't worry, we have JA Brisk available for Joomla! 2.5 as well!

Check out JA Brisk Beta version now:

  |   JA Brisk J! 2.5 Demo   |   JA Brisk J! 3.0 Demo   |   Download   |  

And the T3 Blank template for T3v3 RC1:

  |   T3 Blank J!2.5 Demo   |   T3 Blank J!3.0 Demo   |   Download   |  

Joomla! 3.0 awesomeness is coming up your ways, JoomlArt fans. Get your gears ready and keep yourself buckled in with us. Joomla! 3.0 is going to be a crazy ride.

Notice JA Brisk depends on the T3v3 framework, which is nearing stable status. Hence, JA Brisk will be marked beta till T3v3 framework stable is released, so expect more version releases for JA Brisk in the coming days.

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